Cariology is the branch of medicine dealing with cardiac and cardiovascular diseases (illnesses of the heart and parts of the circulatory system). A Cardiologist is a doctor that treats heart related conditions. Interventional Cardiology is the branch of cardiology that deals with actuate conditions such as heart attacks.
Heart disease, commonly known as the silent killer and ranks as the NUMBER ONE cause of death world-wide amongst men and women.
Heart disease can often go unnoticed, leading to potentially fatal acute conditions such a heart attack. 17.9 Million people die of heart disease world-wide every year according the latest WHO statistics.
Early detection of heart disease is key in living a healthy and lengthy life and so it is of vital importance to heave your heart checked on a regular basis.
Consultation for any heart related conditions.
Emergency service for heart conditions including heart attack, heart failure and life-threatening heart rhythm disturbance
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Echocardiography (ECHO)
Stress Echocardiography
24 Ambulatory Holter and blood pressure monitoring
Coronary and peripheral angiography
Right heart catheterization
Permanent pacemaker implantation and interrogation